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Add a Campaign Page Link to Your Email Campaign

Most Mailchimp templates include a View this email in your browser link that goes to a browser-based copy of your campaign. This campaign page link helps contacts who aren't able to view your content in their email client. If you don't have this link in your campaign, or if it was accidentally deleted, we recommend adding one.

In this article, you'll learn how to add a campaign page link to your content, and how to customize or translate the link text.

How it works

By default, most Mailchimp templates include a campaign page link that goes to the browser-based copy of your email campaign. Depending on the template you work with, one of the following links may display in the preheader, and sometimes in the footer.

  • View this email in your browser.
  • Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.

The campaign page link uses our *|ARCHIVE|* merge tag. When you send your campaign, we'll replace the merge tag with your active campaign page link.

To test the campaign page link in the Campaign Builder before you send, click the link in Preview Mode.
