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Beef Turned Brown in Freezer Reddit

  • #1
I call up reading on ATOT that it'due south better once information technology turns brown. Why does this happen though? This site says that beefiness is naturally nighttime and turns bright ruby-red when exposed to oxygen.. But I've left beef in the fridge for a few days, and it's turned from reddish TO brown. What'due south the deal??
  • #3
crumbling? *shrug* I dunno. I try to cook it as soon as possible, otherwise it goes in the freezer.
  • #4
it's natural, unless it'southward slimy or has a scent to it, information technology'south fine. just keep information technology frozen and don't put it in the firdge for more than a day
  • #five
Ah I found another site..
When freshly slaughtered meat is cut into steaks, the muscle tissue comes into contact with oxygen in the air. The myoglobin in the meat binds this oxygen, forming oxymyoglobin and giving the meat a carmine color. However, if fresh meat sits for a period of time, more often than not over the course of several days, the construction of the myoglobin changes. The fe molecule in the center is oxidized from its ferrous to ferric form and a different complex is formed called metmyoglobin. This compound turns the raw meat a dark-brown color. The meat is usually still prophylactic to eat when cooked, but the brown, unappealing color turns off about consumers. To avoid having your fresh meat turn brownish, use it as soon as possible later purchasing it.
  • #vi
Aren't you but supposed to store raw beef in the refrigerator if you lot're defrosting it?
  • #7
Originally posted past: mercanucaribe
I call up reading on ATOT that it's better once it turns brownish. Why does this happen though? This site says that beef is naturally dark and turns bright ruby when exposed to oxygen.. Simply I've left beef in the refrigerator for a few days, and it's turned from red TO chocolate-brown. What's the deal??
Its the oxygen or something in the air. I work at a eatery and the peak pieces of meat like beefiness tenderloin, lamb and any other kind of meat in the stack will offset turning brown while the pieces of meat under information technology will stay their natural night crimson color.
  • #8
Originally posted past: BigJ
Aren't you lot simply supposed to store raw beef in the fridge if y'all're defrosting it?
:thumbsup: only for <24hours
  • #9
Originally posted by: BigJ
Aren't you lot but supposed to store raw beef in the fridge if you lot're defrosting it?
Well yesterday I bought some ground beef with a sell by date of Nov 22nd, and it's all the same in the fridge because I made burgers today, and will make some more tomorrow. It has a few brownish spots inside.
  • #10
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
Originally posted past: BigJ
Aren't you only supposed to store raw beef in the refrigerator if you're defrosting it?
Well yesterday I bought some basis beef with a sell past date of Nov 22nd, and it's still in the fridge because I fabricated burgers today, and will brand some more tomorrow. It has a few brown spots inside.
unless you cooked it, it'due south non alright to store raw beefiness in the refrigerator. freeze the raw stuff, refrigerator the cooked patties.
  • #11
Originally posted by: mdchesne
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
Originally posted past: BigJ
Aren't y'all merely supposed to shop raw beef in the fridge if you lot're defrosting it?
Well yesterday I bought some ground beef with a sell past appointment of Nov 22nd, and information technology's however in the fridge because I made burgers today, and will brand some more tomorrow. It has a few chocolate-brown spots within.
unless you cooked it, it'due south non alright to store raw beefiness in the fridge. freeze the raw stuff, refrigerator the cooked patties.
How is it dissimilar from the grocery having it refridgerated until November 22nd though?
  • #12
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
Originally posted past: mdchesne
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
Originally posted by: BigJ
Aren't you only supposed to shop raw beef in the fridge if y'all're defrosting it?
Well yesterday I bought some ground beef with a sell by appointment of November 22nd, and it'south nevertheless in the fridge because I made burgers today, and will brand some more tomorrow. Information technology has a few brownish spots inside.
unless you cooked it, information technology'south not alright to shop raw beef in the refrigerator. freeze the raw stuff, fridge the cooked patties.
How is it dissimilar from the grocery having it refridgerated until Nov 22nd though?
they accept a lower fridge setting than nearly fridges at domicile. their's run basically below freezing just similar freezers, but in that location'due south an air-room temperature buffer and so it acts like a supercool refrigerator
  • #13
Considering the source cow touched and tipped itself at night.
  • #15
Is your refrigerator 30-35 degrees?
  • #16

Blood contain iron in it therefor it have colours. The colour of atomic number 26 oxide (FeO, Fe2O3, Fe3O4 or a combination of whatever 2~3 forms) can range from red, mauve, maroon, brown, black, grayness, light-green, pink, to yellowish.
  • #17
Originally posted past: BigJ
Is your fridge xxx-35 degrees?
I'm not saying information technology is. I but posted that because information technology's interesting. My fridge may be thirty-35 though, because sometimes the top layer of my iced tea and milk freezes.
  • #xviii
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
Originally posted past: BigJ
Is your refrigerator xxx-35 degrees?
I'thousand not proverb it is. I but posted that because it'south interesting. My fridge may be 30-35 though, considering sometimes the top layer of my iced tea and milk freezes.
Ah, alright. And yes, it is an interesting commodity.
  • #19
Originally posted by: JinLien

Blood comprise atomic number 26 in it therefor it take colours. The colour of iron oxide (FeO, Fe2O3, Fe3O4 or a combination of any ii~iii forms) can range from red, mauve, maroon, brown, black, grey, greenish, pink, to yellow.

what he ment to say is that your meat is rusting
  • #20
geez...yous'll be fine.

If it says sell by you tin put it in the refrigerator until then and a few days after and you will exist fine. This is assuming the sell by date is only a day or 2 afterward the purchase date. If you know yous wont' utilise information technology for a while - freeze it. Otherwise a little browning is normal and will not harm you.

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