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Why Arent Shady and Nappy Uploading Ultra Sun Moon

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Pokémon Ultra Lord's day
ポケットモンスター ウルトラサン
Ultra Sun EN boxart.png
Pokémon Ultra Sun's boxart, featuring Dusk Mane Necrozma
Pokémon Ultra Moon
ポケットモンスター ウルトラムーン
Ultra Moon EN boxart.png
Pokémon Ultra Moon's boxart, featuring Dawn Wings Necrozma
Basic info
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Category: RPG
Players: i-4 players simultaneous
Connectivity: 3DS Wireless, Nintendo Network, IR
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo/The Pokémon Company
Function of: Generation Vii core series
GSRR: 6+
Release dates
Japan: Nov 17, 2017
North America: November 17, 2017
Commonwealth of australia: November 17, 2017
Europe: November 17, 2017
South Korea: November 17, 2017
Hong Kong: November 17, 2017
Taiwan: November 17, 2017
Japanese: Poké
English language: Official site
Poké (Ultra Lord's day) (Ultra Moon)

Ultra Sun JP boxart.png
Pokémon Ultra Sun Japanese boxart

Ultra Moon JP boxart.png
Pokémon Ultra Moon Japanese boxart



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Pokémon Ultra Dominicus (Japanese: ポケットモンスター ウルトラサン Pocket Monsters Ultra Sun) and Pokémon Ultra Moon (Japanese: ポケットモンスター ウルトラムーン Pocket Monsters Ultra Moon) are the second paired versions of Generation VII and are the upper games of Pokémon Sunday and Moon, respectively, featuring an alternate storyline. The games are available on the Nintendo 3DS.

The games were announced worldwide on June 6, 2017, at 11 pm JST through Nintendo Direct. The paired versions were released worldwide on November 17, 2017. All copies of the game are playable in nine languages: Japanese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

The games feature Pokémon that did non appear in Pokémon Lord's day and Moon, including, every bit a serial starting time, entirely new Pokémon introduced in the midst of a generation.


The game begins with a video call made by Professor Kukui to the player. Professor Kukui helps create a Trainer Passport for the player before they and the mother move from Kanto to Alola. Meanwhile, at roughly the same time, a young daughter is seen escaping what seems to be a lab with an unidentified Pokémon in her bag. As she gets sandwiched between the workers from the lab on ane side and alien-looking people in strange uniforms on the other, the Pokémon teleports itself and the girl away from the lab and away from danger.

Three months later, the actor, forth with the female parent and Meowth, are enjoying their new home on Melemele Isle. While taking a stroll on Road 1, the player gets attacked by a wild Yungoos, simply for a Rowlet, Litten and Popplio to all of a sudden arrive on the scene and scare it off. Professor Kukui soon joins the thespian and explains these Pokémon are supposed to be given out as starter Pokémon on behalf of the island kahuna Hala. Excited by what he just saw, he decides to requite the histrion one of the three Pokémon right away. Earlier arriving to Iki Town, Professor Kukui and the player come across Hala's grandson Hau, who immediately takes a liking to the thespian. Of the two remaining starter Pokémon, Hau chooses the one that is weak to the player's starter and challenges the actor to a battle.

As the player, Professor Kukui and Hau reach Iki Town, the kahuna is nowhere to be found, and so Kukui sends the histrion to the Mahalo Trail in hopes of finding the kahuna. On the trail, the player spots the girl that escaped the lab and follows her to the Plank Bridge.

The Pokémon that the girl was holding escapes her bag as they accomplish the Plank Bridge, happy about the new environment it is in. Suddenly, a flock of Spearow attack the caught Pokémon, leaving the girl worrying and asking the histrion to save her friend Nebby. Every bit she asks this, one of the Spearow rushes towards the role player, making the chosen starter relieve the twenty-four hours again. Once the Spearow is dealt with, the player rushes in and guards Nebby from further harm before Nebby uses its power to destroy the span. Earlier the role player and Nebby fall to their doom, Tapu Koko flies through the Spearow and bring the pair back to safely. Thankful for rescuing Nebby, the daughter gives the player a Sparkling Stone that appeared later Tapu Koko's divergence.

The role player and the daughter and then return to Iki Boondocks and get greeted by Kukui. Kukui introduces the daughter as his lab assistant, Lillie, earlier the kahuna, Hala, returns from resolving a problem on the island. After Lillie explains the come across she and the player had with Tapu Koko, Hala gets touched by the moment. Kukui and then gives the player a Pokédex and sends them to their mother to show off the new Pokémon. Before the player leaves, Hala notices the sparkling stone and asks if he could borrow it, to which the player obliges, before inviting the thespian to a festival the following solar day.

The adjacent solar day, Kukui stops by the player's house once again and takes him to Route 1 so he tin can teach them how to take hold of Pokémon. Kukui then lets the thespian train earlier going to the festival. Before reaching the festival, the player runs into the alien-looking people who seem preoccupied by auras surrounding Iki Town. They briefly talk to the player earlier leaving.

At the festival, Hala and Kukui reveal that it is an event where Pokémon battles are held in honor of the Guardian Pokémon in Alola. Hau and the player battle in one case again in honor of Tapu Koko, and this time the entire boondocks watches, including Lillie, the player's mother, and Meowth. After Tapu Koko approves of the battling, Hala returns the sparkling stone, which is now converted into a Z-Power Ring. Hala explains the Z-Power Ring's powers and the Z-Crystals that can simply be acquired by participating in the isle challenge, where the histrion must travel to all four of Alola'southward islands to become the island challenge champion. Afterward, the player and then returns home to prepare for the next day.

The next day, Lillie visits the actor and the two head to Kukui's lab. In the lab, Kukui upgrades the player'southward Pokédex into a Rotom Pokédex and explains more than about the island challenge, which includes taking trials and getting recognized by each isle kahuna. As the three leave the lab, the heaven momentarily darkens. Kukui dismisses the event as an unforeseen eclipse.

Before taking whatsoever trials, the player must attend the Trainers' School to acquire the basics of battling. Luckily, the thespian is able to have on the instructor'due south assignments and the role player is able to accept Captain Ilima's trial in Verdant Cavern. After beating the teacher in battle, Ilima invites the player to Hau'oli City subsequently the player trains some more.

When the player meets up with Ilima, two Squad Skull Grunts appear, only they appear to be minor threats to Ilima. Subsequently a quick lesson from the player and Ilima, the Grunts flee and Ilima heals the player's Pokémon before challenging the thespian to a battle himself. After the battle, Ilima gets impressed by the thespian's team and allows the player to attempt his trial. On the way to Verdant Cave, a Crabrawler drags the role player to the Big Wave Beach as more Team Skull Grunts are causing trouble with other people. The Grunts get defeated by the player, and they announce to mess with Ilima'southward trial.

Every bit the player makes it to Verdant Cavern, Ilima explains the rules of the trial and lets the thespian attempt it. Midway into the trial, the Grunts from before claiming the histrion once more and get defeated. The Grunts bother a wild Pokémon in the area, unwittingly helping the thespian complete the next section of the trial. Every bit the actor almost completes the trial, Totem Gumshoos US /Totem Raticate UM ambushes the player and challenges the histrion to a boxing. Upon defeat of the Pokémon, the histrion completes the trial.

After hearing that Lillie has gone missing, the player heads to Route 3 and into Melemele Meadow, where the histrion finds Lillie. Lillie again loses Nebby and the player has to go detect it. The player finds a small opening and crawls within, emerging in the Seaward Cave. There the player finds Nebby in the company of the same alien-looking people, Dulse and Zossie The states /Phyco and Soliera UM , one of whom challenges the thespian to a battle. Subsequently dealing with them, the histrion returns to Lillie with Nebby in tow and they both leave the meadow to exist greeted past Hau and Kukui. Later hearing that Hau and the role player passed their first trial, Kukui sends the player dorsum to Iki Boondocks for their grand trial with island kahuna Hala.

After defeating Hala, the thespian receives another Z-Crystal and is given a Ride Pager in guild to ride Pokémon like Tauros in the Alola region. The histrion makes mode to the adjacent island, Akala Island, surfing on the back of a Mantine. On Akala Isle, the player attends the trials of Lana, Kiawe, and Mallow earlier battling isle kahuna Olivia. On Akala Island, the thespian once once more encounters Squad Skull and Dulse and Zossie United states /Phyco and Soliera UM likewise every bit new people like a suspicious scientist from Unova called Colress, a neglected fellow member of Squad Skull named Gladion who owns a Pokémon called Type: Cypher, and Hapu, a wanderer traveling the region with her Mudsdale. Afterward defeating the island kahuna, Faba invites the player and Hau to Aether Paradise.

At Aether Paradise, the role player and Hau meets the Aether Foundation President Lusamine and larn that the visitor is responsible for making Aether Paradise a sanctuary for abused Pokémon. In the heart of the meeting, a weird creature from another universe attacks the player and after a short battle retreats to its ain world. That'southward when Dulse and Zossie US /Phyco and Soliera UM enter the scene once over again. Lusamine introduces them as the Ultra Recon Team, and explains that she is working with them to protect Alola from an otherworldly Pokémon called Necrozma. Lusamine then sends the player and Hau to Ula'ula Island to complete their island challenge.

On Ula'ula Island, the role player prepares for the trials of Sophocles and Acerola. While taking these trials, the thespian learns about a Pokémon League under structure and is challenged to participate in information technology equally soon as the player completes the island challenge. Subsequently completing the 2 trials, the player meets the Team Skull leader Guzma and visits their base at Po Town. Later on defeating the team in Po Boondocks, Police officer Nanu and Acerola thank the player for rescuing a stolen Yungoos and head to the Aether Firm.

Upon entering the business firm, Hau tells the player that Squad Skull's Admin, Plumeria, kidnapped Lillie and Nebby. Gladion overhears the conversation and demands Hau and the role player to travel with him to the ferry terminal for their side by side destination. Before the trio go out, Nanu challenges the player every bit an island kahuna. Nanu gives the player another Z-Crystal and asks Gladion what he is depending on Team Skull for earlier departing. Gladion reveals to the role player and Hau that they have to return to Aether Paradise to rescue Lillie and Nebby. Despite the crazy story, the player and Hau tag with Gladion to Aether Paradise.

At Aether Paradise, employees begin to assail the squad as they believe they are intruders. They eventually accomplish Faba who, later on a battle from the player, redirects the trio to the lower level of Aether Paradise, with the trio unaware that it is a trap in guild to buy fourth dimension. After learning of the trap, they head dorsum upward to notice Faba, who brought reinforcements to battle them. Wicke then appears to them and says that Lillie might exist with the President, simply it would be difficult to get to them. Faba and then ambushes them over again with more employees. The team defeats the employees and Faba once again, resulting in Faba giving them admission to the president'due south function.

The trio then spots Team Skull and Guzma in front end of where they need to become. Gladion immediately takes on Guzma, while Hau and the player accept out the Grunts. Later taking out the Grunts, Guzma takes down Gladion and the player takes his place in battle. Guzma gets defeated by the thespian again and is forced to let the squad move onward. After powering through another boxing with Dulse US /Soliera UM , the player runs into Lusamine and Lillie. The player witnesses a darker side of Lusamine and learns that Nebby is being sacrificed to open an Ultra Wormhole to the place where Necrozma dwells. Lillie tries to reason with her mother but fails to exercise so, resulting in the player going after Lusamine.

Gladion and Hau catch upwards to the player and Gladion tells his female parent she is not fix to fight Necrozma on her own, simply again, Lusamine ignores her children and opens the wormhole anyways. She challenges the role player to show her children she can handle any threat with her Pokémon, but even a loss is not enough to deter her, every bit she calls a similarly stubborn Guzma with her, and they both cross over. After the Ultra Wormhole closes, Lillie checks on Nebby, who has now transformed into a new grade. Shocked past Lusamine's actions, Dulse and Zossie U.s. /Phyco and Soliera UM nevertheless answer to Lillie's plea for help and reveal they came to Alola from their world on the back of a Lunala US /Solgaleo UM , and that an chantry on the final Island of Alola, Poni Island, holds a secret to awakening such a dimension-travelling animal.

The next twenty-four hour period, Gladion gives Lillie the Moon Flute United states /Sun Flute UM , helps the player and Lillie go to Poni Island, and recommends finding the island kahuna. The player and Lillie eventually find Hapu over again, who reveals the island has no kahuna. The 3 then travel to the Ruins of Promise where Tapu Fini grants Hapu the honor of becoming Poni Isle'southward new kahuna. Hapu and so talks about the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo US /Lunala UM and how there needs to be a ceremony at the Altar of the Sunne United states /Altar of the Moone UM involving two item flutes. Lillie shows Hapu the flute Gladion gave her and are told the other flute is on Exeggutor Island. The player then heads to Exeggutor Island to obtain Lillie'southward flute counterpart.

Later the player returns to Poni Island, they and Lillie head to the Altar. On the fashion to the Altar, they go ambushed past Team Skull. Squad Skull battles the player in club to try and get them to talk about where Guzma disappeared to, but Plumeria puts a stop to the battling. Plumeria apologizes for her actions and lets them continue onwards in hopes of rescuing Guzma. Before long after, Dulse and Zossie US /Phyco and Soliera UM catch upwards to the duo and claiming the player. They explain that now that Lusamine has proven to be untrustworthy, the player is their merely run a risk to cease Necrozma. The player makes way through the Vast Poni Canyon, walking into an unmanned Trial in the process, and completing it.

The player and Lillie reach the Altar and both set to play their flutes and either wait until dawn US or dusk UM to summon the Legendary Pokémon. Afterward playing their flutes, an odd ability in the Altar forms and takes Lillie's bag to the source of the power. Nebby is taken from the pocketbook and evolves into Solgaleo US /Lunala UM . Nebby prepares to have the player and Lillie to Ultra Space with its new power, but an Ultra Wormhole suddenly opens, and Guzma and Lusamine autumn out of it, followed by a levitating Necrozma. Necrozma immediately spots Nebby and assaults it, ultimately besting it in a battle and merging with it. The player then fights the merged Necrozma, but despite losing, it manages to escape. All the while, other wormholes appear all over Alola, sending Ultra Beasts across the land. The light all over the region also disappears, and the archipelago is plunged into darkness.

Lusamine asks the Ultra Recon Team for help. However, they brush her off, as they're unwilling to forgive her for her recklessness. Instead, they give the player a uniform like their own and transport them across dimensions to the Ultra Recon Squad'southward world on the back of their own Lunala US /Solgaleo UM . The player emerges in Ultra Megalopolis, ascends the Megalo Tower and faces Necrozma, now in its true class, a dragon made of light. After the boxing, Necrozma disappears, as light returns to Alola. Returning to the Altar, the player learns that later on Necrozma and Nebby landed in Alola, they unfused. Necrozma vanished, and Lusamine and Lillie are taking a severely weakened Nebby to Aether Paradise.

The threat of Necrozma is gone, but the player notwithstanding has 1 trial to pass in order to complete the island claiming. The actor meets the concluding Trial Helm, Mina, whose trial involves challenging the other Captains to a Pokémon battle. During the trip around the region, the thespian notices that Sophocles is saying cheerio to his cousin Molayne and that Acerola is nowhere to be found, having left her place in Mina's trial to Nanu. The player completes the trial, after which Hapu invites the role player to the Exeggutor Island for the final K Trial. After Hapu is bested, the player's island challenge is officially complete. The only thing left to exercise is challenge the new Pokémon League in Mount Lanakila on Ula'ula Island and become Alola's first ever Champion.

While making way through Mount Lanakila, the player comes across a huge crater with, in the heart of it, a weakened Necrozma. The histrion gives information technology some of the light from their Z-Ring and catches information technology. Then, Colress, who has been watching the battle, arrives, congratulates the player for befriending the animal, and gives them the machines he built for triggering Necrozma's form changes by merging with Solgaleo and Lunala.

When the player reaches the Pokémon League, Professor Kukui greets the player and gives him the selection to boxing any of the 4 members of the Alola League in whatever choice the thespian decides. The members include former Trial Captain Molayne who uses the Steel type, island kahuna Olivia who uses the Rock type, Trial Helm Acerola, who uses the Ghost type, and Kahili, a former island claiming champion and golfer who uses the Flying type. After the player defeats the Elite Four, they prepare to take a seat in the Champion's chair earlier Professor Kukui surprises the actor with a concluding challenge, coming from none other than Hau. After winning the battle, the player becomes the first Alola League Champion and is invited back to a big festival in Iki Boondocks to gloat the big achievement.

During the post-obit days, Guzma and Plumeria disband Team Skull. Gladion leaves the region past boat to train overseas and is surprised to see his mother Lusamine moving ridge him goodbye from the Hau'oli Marina.

After the finish credits, Hau and the Ultra Recon Squad see the player outside of their business firm, congratulate them on condign the Champion, and invite them along to Poni Island, where Ultra Beasts are still on the loose. On the way to Poni Grove, the role player and Hau run into Wicke, who gives the player Type: Nix. The player and Hau arrive at Poni Grove to help the Ultra Recon Squad capture Blacephalon The states or Stakataka UM using the provided Beast Balls. Ane specimen caught by Hau is given to the Ultra Recon Squad and the Aether Foundation for research while the other two are caught by the player to go along. Later the crunch is over, the Ultra Recon Squad thank the player and Hau and exit. The role player returns home to residue.

Episode RR

Main article: Episode RR

After the search for Blacephalon The states /Stakataka UM , the player takes a suspension at their business firm. Sophocles suddenly comes in, saying someone took over the Festival Plaza, and both he and the player immediately teleport there. Information technology turns out the Festival Plaza has been taken over by Team Rainbow Rocket, and the actor must battle a Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt at the Battle Agency to buy Sophocles enough fourth dimension to fully regain his admin rights and kicking the villainous team out of Festival Plaza.

Only afterward the player has returned home, a alive tv broadcast from Aether Paradise is interrupted when Team Rainbow Rocket makes its entrance there, taking over Lusamine'due south mansion. When the player arrives to Aether Paradise with Lillie, they find out that Team Rainbow Rocket has taken Lusamine earnest and turned her mansion into their base; Team Rocket'southward Castle. Upon trying to enter the castle, the player and Lillie are confronted by Faba, who is revealed to have allied himself with the villainous team in the hopes of furthering his own career.

Once Faba has been defeated, the player starts making their way through the castle. Forth the style to rescue Lusamine, they must boxing and defeat the villainous team leaders Archie, Maxie, Cyrus, Lysandre, and Ghetsis, whom Team Rainbow Rocket had summoned from alternate universes where their corresponding plans had succeeded. At the deepest role of the castle, the player confronts the squad's leader, Giovanni, who reveals his goal existence to assemble an army of Ultra Beasts using Aether Foundation's resources. Withal, once the thespian has defeated him, he accepts his loss and leaves, causing the mansion to be restored to normal in the process. Faba is punished for his treachery by being demoted to an intern, and Giovanni is seen teleporting away to go on his evil schemes in a different reality.


New Secrets Expect Discovery in Alola...
Let'South Become!

Changes from Pokémon Sun and Moon

Aesthetic changes

  • All HUDs and menus have received graphical updates.
  • Animations leading to battles flash in colors of the rainbow.
  • Trainers' models are now continuously animated when they lose.
  • Trainers' models at present have a pb-in animation for Double Battles earlier throwing their Poké Balls, instead of staying in place.
  • Some locations characteristic visible wild Pokémon wandering in the background, such as Murkrow and Wingull on Route one, Magmar on Route seven, Alolan Dugtrio in Diglett's Cave, or Bewear at the cease of Poni Gauntlet.
  • The wild Pokémon boxing theme has been remixed.
  • The Trainer battle theme has been remixed for regular Trainers. Its original version is played while fighting confronting Trial Captains.

Location changes

  • The iv islands now have beaches where Mantine Surf can be played. While Big Wave Embankment on Melemele Island and Heahea Beach on Akala Island are entirely new locations, Ula'ula Beach is a repurposed Secluded Shore, and a part of Poni Wilds has been cut off for Poni Beach.
    • Big Moving ridge Embankment also gives admission to Sandy Cavern, some other new location.
  • Alola Photo Clubs have been added to Hau'oli Urban center and Konikoni City where vacant lots used to be. Hau'oli City also has a completely new design.
  • A previously vacant lot in Heahea Urban center and a previously empty island on Road 15 now house branches of the Surf Association.
  • A previously vacant lot in Majestic Avenue at present houses a branch of the Pokémon Fan Gild.
  • A previously vacant lot in Malie City now houses the Kantonian Gym.
  • The interior appearance of the player'southward house has been completely changed.
  • Route ane and Mahalo Trail have more colorful vegetation. In addition, an additional patch of grass located on the previously grassless path to Iki Town has been added to Route 1.
  • The photographic camera places itself in a different angle when the actor traverses the northern office of Route 2.
  • Seaward Cavern features a more icy design and no longer requires Tauros Charge.
  • Kala'e Bay has been expanded.
  • The path to the Flyinium Z through X Carat Hill no longer requires using Machamp Shove.
  • The third floor of the Tide Song Hotel in Heahea City can now exist explored.
  • A new area, Pikachu Valley, can be accessed from Route iv.
  • Lana's trial site now occupies the entirety of Brooklet Hill, and non simply the Totem'due south Den.
  • Dividing Elevation Tunnel between Route 7 and Road 8 is now a singled-out location.
  • Lush Jungle features different vegetation in some parts.
  • Hokulani Observatory has a new room, where the updated trial takes place.
  • Some of the sea surrounding Poni Breaker Declension tin now be surfed on.
  • A part of Exeggutor Island tin no longer be reached by pes, requiring a lift from a helpful Exeggutor. It also features more colorful vegetation.
  • Mount Lanakila has been greatly expanded, now housing numerous Trainers, making it similar to Victory Roads from previous games.
  • A new cavern, Plains Grotto, can exist accessed from Poni Plains.

Gameplay changes

  • For the beginning time in the serial, five new Pokémon were introduced for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, bringing the known full from 802 to 807, they include Zeraora and the Ultra Beasts Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka and Blacephalon.
  • 101 Pokémon have been added to the Alola Pokédex, bringing it to a full of 403 entries.
  • New forms have been introduced for several Pokémon:
    • The Partner Cap Pikachu, obtainable via a QR Code.
    • The event-sectional Dusk Form Lycanroc, distributed equally a special Rockruff which has to be evolved from five PM to 5:59 PM US /5 AM to five:59 AM UM in in-game time.
    • Dusk Mane, Dawn Wings and Ultra forms for Necrozma, of which two are seen during the main run a risk.
  • New Z-Moves for certain Pokémon accept also been introduced:
    • Splintered Stormshards for Lycanroc
    • Let's Snuggle Forever for Mimikyu
    • Clangorous Soulblaze for Kommo-o
    • Searing Sunraze Smash for Solgaleo and Dusk Mane Necrozma
    • Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom for Lunala and Dawn Wings Necrozma
    • Low-cal That Burns the Sky for Ultra Necrozma
  • Besides Z-Moves, three new moves were introduced: Photon Geyser, Heed Blown, and Plasma Fists. All of them are signature moves.
  • The Rotom Pokédex has been improved with added features:
    • It can grow closer to the player over the course of their journey, eventually picking a nickname for its possessor.
    • As its affection towards the histrion grows, information technology also unlocks the possibility of obtaining boosting items similar to O-Powers through the Roto Loto or to use Z-Moves more than once per battle.
    • Information technology will comment on seeing a Pokémon for the first fourth dimension, but merely if the role player can grab it in the aforementioned boxing.
    • It offers gameplay communication, such every bit warning the histrion that they haven't saved in a while or suggesting that the role player heal their injured Pokémon.
    • In after portions of the game, Rotom offers constant tutorial-fashion advice on how to use features of the game, such as how to give a Pokémon an item. Rotom offers random advice every fourth dimension the player finishes a battle or conversation, or travels between screens.
  • The Alola Photograph Social club has been introduced, which allows players to accept photos with the Pokémon in their party. These photos can then be edited with stickers, posted to the Pokémon Global Link, or saved to the 3DS's SD carte. The player also has the pick of doing an impromptu photo shoot after a Pokémon in their political party evolves.
  • Two mini-games have been introduced, each one being mandatory to endeavour out once during the principal adventure:
    • Mantine Surf is a new Poké Ride and minigame accessible from Big Wave Beach on Melemele Island, Heahea Embankment on Akala Isle, Ula'ula Beach (formerly Secluded Shore) on Ula'ula Island, and Poni Beach on Poni Island. The minigame, in add-on to transporting players to other islands, allows them to earn Battle Points past executing tricks off the body of water waves and earning points.
    • Ultra Warp Ride allows the actor to traverse Ultra Space on the back of a Solgaleo or Lunala, assuasive them to explore the Ultra Space Wilds to find non-regional Pokémon and visit the homeworlds of Ultra Beasts. By arresting energy, they tin travel more light-years through space, increasing their chance of finding rarer, even Shiny Pokémon. This also includes the chance of encountering all the past Legendary Pokémon (excluding Zygarde), though many are version-sectional, or crave trade to encounter the tertiary member of their set.
  • The Zygarde Cube sidequest has been mostly removed, as the player now only needs to capture a fifty% Forme Zygarde in Resolution Cave during the postgame, and see and battle Dexio and Sina on Route 16 to go some other Zygarde in its 10% Forme and a Zygarde Cube with twoscore cells, allowing them to combine both Zygarde and cells into a Power Construct Zygarde immediately afterwards.
  • In the identify of Zygarde Cells and Cores, the role player can collect Totem Stickers scattered throughout the four islands of Alola by its captains. Upon hitting sure milestones, the player can receive Pokémon the size of Totem Pokémon from Samson Oak at Heahea Beach. These Pokémon, with the exception of Mimikyu, vary by game.
  • Altar of the Sunne and Chantry of the Moone tin be straight flown to using Charizard Glide, instead of requiring the actor to fly to Vast Poni Canyon and walk up the stairs.
  • Many Pokémon accept acquired the ability to acquire new moves and expand and improve their movesets; for example, Litten can now learn Double Kick by leveling up and Swablu can now learn Play Rough through breeding.
  • Location-based evolutions can exist triggered during the player'southward beginning visit to Ula'ula Island:
    • The special magnetic field used to evolve Magneton, Nosepass, and Charjabug is now also present on Chroma Mountain.
    • The base of operations of Mount Lanakila is open from the outset, assuasive the player to evolve Crabrawler.
  • Unless the thespian uses an Adrenaline Orb, wild Pokémon will merely telephone call for help once. This does not apply to Totem Pokémon.
  • Pikachu, Cubone, and Exeggcute can evolve into their non-Alolan forms if the evolution is triggered in Ultra Space.
  • Ultra Beasts introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon can be repeatedly caught. To conform for this, Animal Balls are now available for buy in Aether Paradise.
  • Necrozma's catch rate has been increased from three to 255.
  • Nigh of the trials have been updated, and a new one has been added:
    • Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, and Sophocles have new tasks for the histrion to complete before fighting the Totem Pokémon.
    • The species of the Totem Pokémon met at the end of Lana, Kiawe, and Sophocles'south trials accept been changed.
    • Except for Totem Gumshoos United states /Raticate UM , Totem Pokémon telephone call on different allies, making utilize of different strategies.
    • Mina now has her own trial also, bringing the number of trials from 7 to eight.
  • All of the Mega Stones that were simply collected by special events in the original games are now available every bit prizes at the Battle Tree.
  • Almost of the Pokémon found from Island Scan were replaced with new non-regional Pokémon that were not constitute in the original games.
    • The Pokémon that were part of the Isle Scan in the original games have a different special move in their moveset when found in either of these games.
  • The location where the player could pick up the Pikanium Z likewise every bit the Move Tutor for teaching Pikachu Volt Tackle is now located outside of Hano Grand Resort instead of at Konikoni Urban center.
  • The Snorlium Z, Mewnium Z, Marshadium Z, and Diancite tin can now be caused through normal gameplay.
  • More than Motion Tutors have been added to teach Pokémon moves in exchange for Boxing Points with ane of them located on each island.
  • Due to the expansion of the Alola Dex, the other Fossil Pokémon are at present included and merely like with the Sinnoh and Unova Fossils, their Fossils can also be purchased once at Konikoni City depending on the version. Furthermore, all of the higher up mentioned Fossils are no longer limited to 1 game, every bit whatsoever of them have a very rare chance of beingness obtained at Poké Pelago'southward Isle Aphun regardless of version.
  • During the mail service-game, Type: Null is now given at Aboriginal Poni Path at the exit to Poni Grove by Wicke, instead of by Gladion at Aether Paradise.
  • The list of possible Trainers encountered at the Pokémon League Championship Defense battles has been slightly contradistinct, replacing Faba and Molayne with Lusamine and Guzma.
  • A number of TMs have been moved to new locations.
  • In routes where fishing is available, bubbling indicating more interesting run across rates don't e'er appear on the same fishing spot, and tin can appear on multiple spots at once.
  • The Battle Agency is introduced.

Storyline changes

  • The player obtains their first Pokémon on Route 1 from Professor Kukui instead of Iki Boondocks, and does so before saving Lillie.
  • Hau is offset fought before arriving in Iki Boondocks, instead of before leaving it.
  • While saving Nebby, the player fights one of the wild Spearow before taking their first step on the bridge.
  • The actor receives the island challenge amulet from Hala during the festival instead of obtaining it from Professor Kukui the side by side day.
  • The showtime meet with the two Team Skull Grunts takes place in Hau'oli Metropolis itself, rather than at the Marina.
  • Instead of beingness led to Berry fields by a Delibird, the player is led to Large Wave Beach past a Crabrawler, where the second boxing against Squad Skull takes place.
  • Instead of wandering in Melemele Meadow, Nebby hides in Seaward Cave.
  • The player and Hau travel from Melemele Island to Akala Island using Mantine Surf instead of hitching a ride on Professor Kukui's boat.
  • Adding Charizard to the Ride Pager does non automatically unlock admission to Poké Pelago, the histrion has to run into Mohn on Route 7 offset.
  • Hau forces the player to visit Festival Plaza upon coming together him on Route eight.
  • Molayne does not challenge the actor to a battle before Sophocles's trial. Instead, Molayne would give the role player the Steelium Z upon meeting him, whereas in the original games, he would requite the role player the Steelium Z upon completing Sophocles's trial.
  • $.25 of dialogue were added between Hau and Guzma, in which they sometimes discuss the purpose and the satisfaction plant in the island challenge and battling Pokémon in general.
  • An additional cutscene plays during Acerola's trial, where the grapheme sees an apparition in the shape of Acerola, begging them to leave the site.
  • The role player and Lillie are welcomed to Poni Island by Mina instead of the chief of Seafolk Village, though the latter still takes the thespian to Exeggutor Island.
  • The player visits Exeggutor Island lonely, and has to fight three Pinsir pestering the Exeggutor residing there, i of which then helps the thespian reach the Sun Flute U.s.a. /Moon Flute UM .
  • An additional storyline involving Necrozma and the Ultra Recon Squad starts early in the game and converges with Lusamine'due south storyline when the player reaches Aether Paradise.
    • Afterward the thespian and Lillie exit Professor Kukui's lab, the sky darkens for a few seconds. Professor Kukui dismisses the phenomenon as a solar (if seen during the twenty-four hours) or lunar (if seen during the night) eclipse, and considers it a good omen.
    • The player oftentimes runs into Dulse and Zossie Usa /Phyco and Soliera UM . On occasion, Dulse United states of america /Soliera UM challenges them to a Pokémon boxing.
    • Lusamine'south motivations are changed from being obsessed with Ultra Beasts to wanting to save the world from Necrozma by any ways necessary. In both cases, she is willing to harm Nebby in social club to open up an Ultra Wormhole(s) to achieve her goal. Her showtime battle confronting the player happens under the same circumstances but for a different reason, and she does not fight the role player a second fourth dimension.
    • Instead of directly catching Nebby when it evolves into Solgaleo Us /Lunala UM , the player witnesses Necrozma fighting Nebby and merging with it. The player so fights the merged Necrozma and chases it across dimensions all the way to Megalo Tower in Ultra Megalopolis for a concluding battle.
    • After these events, a weakened Necrozma tin can be found and captured in Mount Lanakila. Nebby tin be captured at Mahalo Trail.
  • Hapu is now fought on Exeggutor Island later all of the trials have been completed.
    • Due to this change, the role player cannot render to the Exeggutor Island after collecting the Lord's day Flute US /Moon Flute UM until Hapu's m trial becomes available. Additionally, completing the one thousand trial is besides necessary for the actor to fly there directly.
  • Molayne replaces Hala as a fellow member of the Elite 4.
    • Hala can still be rematched during the post-game in Iki Boondocks. Defeating Hala will permit him to give the player the Z-Crystals for the final evolutions of the other ii Alola starters, a office Hau did at the beginning of the post-game in the original games.
  • Hau does not challenge the thespian earlier their Pokémon League challenge, appearing as the final challenger instead.
  • The thespian is no longer forced to fight Tapu Koko before the end credits.
  • The quest involving Looker and Anabel investigating Ultra Beasts is replaced with a cursory search for Blacephalon US /Stakataka UM , followed past Episode RR, a larger quest involving Team Rainbow Rocket.
  • Gladion leaves Alola to train overseas in Johto and Kanto, different the original games where Lillie and Lusamine were the ones to get out the region at the end of the main story. He later returns to Alola to rematch the player.


See Category:Generation 7 Pokémon

Game-exclusive Pokémon

Ultra Lord's day
037 037A Vulpix
Alolan Class
038 038A Ninetales
Alolan Class
Ice Fairy
228 228 Houndour Dark Fire
229 229 Houndoom Nighttime Fire
243 243 Raikou Electric
250 250 Ho-Oh Burn Flying
381 381 Latios Dragon Psychic
383 383 Groudon Footing
483 483 Dialga Steel Dragon
485 485 Heatran Burn down Steel
546 546 Cottonee Grass Fairy
547 547 Whimsicott Grass Fairy
550 550 Basculin
622 622 Golett Ground Ghost
623 623 Golurk Footing Ghost
627 627 Rufflet Normal Flight
628 628 Braviary Normal Flying
641 641 Tornadus
Incarnate Forme
643 643 Reshiram Dragon Fire
692 692 Clauncher Water
693 693 Clawitzer Water
716 716 Xerneas Fairy
766 766 Passimian Fighting
776 776 Turtonator Fire Dragon
791 791 Solgaleo Psychic Steel
794 794 Buzzwole Issues Fighting
798 798 Kartana Grass Steel
806 806 Blacephalon Burn down Ghost
Ultra Moon
027 027A Sandshrew
Alolan Class
Ice Steel
028 028A Sandslash
Alolan Form
Ice Steel
244 244 Entei Fire
249 249 Lugia Psychic Flight
309 309 Electrike Electric
310 310 Manectric Electric
343 343 Baltoy Ground Psychic
344 344 Claydol Ground Psychic
380 380 Latias Dragon Psychic
382 382 Kyogre Water
484 484 Palkia Water Dragon
486 486 Regigigas Normal
548 548 Petilil Grass
549 549 Lilligant Grass
550 550B Basculin
629 629 Vullaby Dark Flying
630 630 Mandibuzz Dark Flying
642 642 Thundurus
Incarnate Forme
Electric Flight
644 644 Zekrom Dragon Electric
690 690 Skrelp Poison Water
691 691 Dragalge Poison Dragon
717 717 Yveltal Night Flying
765 765 Oranguru Normal Psychic
780 780 Drampa Normal Dragon
792 792 Lunala Psychic Ghost
795 795 Pheromosa Problems Fighting
797 797 Celesteela Steel Flight
805 805 Stakataka Rock Steel
Totem-sized Pokémon
Ultra Sunday
105 105A Marowak
Alolan Form
Fire Ghost
735 735 Gumshoos Normal
738 738 Vikavolt Bug Electric
743 743 Ribombee Problems Fairy
754 754 Lurantis Grass
Ultra Moon
020 020A Raticate
Alolan Grade
Dark Normal
752 752 Araquanid Water Bug
758 758 Salazzle Poison Burn
777 777 Togedemaru Electric Steel
784 784 Kommo-o Dragon Fighting


On November twenty, 2017, an update for Pokémon Bank was released that allows it to interact with Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. In add-on to regular storage, the update allows Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon to receive Pokémon from the Generation Vi games, besides as the Virtual Console releases of the Generation I and Two games through the Poké Transporter in a similar method used to transfer from Generation V.

Totem-sized Alolan Marowak, Ribombee, Araquanid, and Togedemaru cannot be transferred to Pokémon Bank. Unlike Spiky-eared Pichu and Cosplay Pikachu, they tin can be traded, simply they cannot leave Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.


Gaming magazine Famitsu gave Pokémon Ultra Sunday and Ultra Moon a score of 36 out of forty.[one] IGN rated the games an "Amazing" 9.0/10.[2] Both Pokémon Ultra Dominicus and Ultra Moon agree a rating of 84% on Metacritic.[iii] [4]


In the fiscal year of their release, they sold vii.51 million units.[five] As of September 30, 2021, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have sold 9.04 1000000 copies worldwide, making these the everyman selling cadre series Pokémon games on the Nintendo 3DS.[6]

Japanese sales

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon sold 667,439 individual units on their showtime week on the Japanese market place, being 335,454 from Pokémon Ultra Lord's day and 331,986 from Pokémon Ultra Moon, with a sell-through of 66.30% and 66.98% respectively.[vii] By January three, 2021, the end of their 164th week, they had sold 1,908,201 copies, beingness 968,772 from Pokémon Ultra Dominicus and 939,429 from Pokémon Ultra Moon.[viii]

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Veteran Trainer's Dual Pack sold 247,782 units on its first week, with a sell-through of 84.37%.[7] By December 30, 2018, the end of its 59th calendar week, it had sold 354,970 copies.[9] Combining all releases, the games sold two,618,141 units, being ane,323,742 from Pokémon Ultra Sun and i,294,399 from Pokémon Ultra Moon.

Pokémon Ultra Sunday and Ultra Moon

Week Week ending Ranking Units sold Full units sold
1 November xix, 2017 1st 667,439 667,439
2 November 26, 2017 1st 168,978 836,417
3 Dec 3, 2017 1st 107,657 944,074
iv Dec 10, 2017 third 106,094 ane,050,168
five December 17, 2017 3rd 119,005 1,169,173
6 Dec 24, 2017 third 176,789 1,345,962
seven Dec 31, 2017 quaternary 61,698 1,407,660
eight Jan 7, 2018 fourth 69,355 ane,477,015
9 January fourteen, 2018 5th 21,494 1,498,509
ten January 21, 2018 8th 16,790 1,515,299
11 January 28, 2018 6th 12,702 i,528,001
12 Feb 4, 2018 ninth eleven,028 i,539,029
thirteen February 11, 2018 12th 9,654 i,548,683
xiv February 18, 2018 15th 9,358 1,558,042
15 February 25, 2018 12th 8,614 i,566,656
sixteen March four, 2018 8th 9,930 one,576,586
17 March xi, 2018 8th 8,622 1,585,208
18 March xviii, 2018 12th vii,708 i,592,916
nineteen March 25, 2018 15th 7,001 1,599,916
20 Apr one, 2018 16th 5,999 1,605,916
59 December xxx, 2018 20th 6,257 one,796,584
111 December 29, 2019 - - i,885,144
164 January iii, 2021 - - 1,908,201

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Veteran Trainer's Dual Pack

Week Calendar week catastrophe Ranking Units sold Total units sold
one November 19, 2017 2nd 247,782 247,782
ii November 26, 2017 sixth 20,297 268,080
3 Dec 3, 2017 11th ten,872 278,952
4 December 10, 2017 14th xi,198 290,149
v December 17, 2017 15th 12,117 302,266
half-dozen December 24, 2017 17th 17,679 319,945
seven December 31, 2017 27th - 324,944
8 January 7, 2018 29th - -
ix January 14, 2018 32nd - -
10 January 21, 2018 34th - -
xi January 28, 2018 47th - -
16 March 4, 2018 44th - -
17 March eleven, 2018 47th - -
59 December 30, 2018 - - 354,970


Main article: Staff of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon


050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add together missing data and complete information technology.

Version history

Version Release date Official changelog More information
1.0 November 17, 2017 N/A Initial release December 13, 2017
  • Various bugs have been fixed in order to provide a smoother gaming experience.
  • Fixes the post-obit glitches:
    • Mantine Embankment Movement Tutor glitch
    • Ion Drench glitch
    • Wide Baby-sit glitch
    • Litten crash glitch
  • Battle Videos recorded prior to this update cannot be played on the Vs. Recorder.
1.2 February 7, 2018
  • Various fixes to improve gameplay.
  • Fixes the following glitches:
    • Curse, Cord Shot, Woods'due south Curse and Power Play a trick on causing crashes during link battles.

Beta elements

Primary commodity: Pokémon Ultra Lord's day and Ultra Moon beta



By Pokemon
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First trailer

United states of america

By Pokemon
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United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

Past Pokemon
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Past Pokemon
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Commonwealth of australia

By Pokemon
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By PokemonCoJp
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Title screens




  • These are the terminal core series games released for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.
  • All the new Pokémon introduced in these games are weak against Ground attacks.
  • Due north is the just core serial villainous squad leader from a previous game to not announced in these games, probable considering he is just Team Plasma'south puppet leader, whereas Ghetsis is the true mastermind behind the organization.
  • When the boxarts of Pokémon Ultra Sunday and Ultra Moon are put together, a silhouette clearly representing Ultra Necrozma can also be seen.
  • These are the only core series games:
    • To exist paired upper versions.
    • In which several Pokémon share identical Pokédex entries, in this case Buzzwole, Xurkitree, and Guzzlord in Ultra Sunday and Pheromosa, Celesteela, and Kartana in Ultra Moon.
    • In which encounters with Regirock, Regice, and Registeel practice not utilise a remix of the original Generation III boxing music, instead using the original.
  • These are the last core series games to date:
    • To have every Pokémon known at the time of their release programmed into them.
      • 807 species of Pokémon are included, which is more than than any other core serial game.
      • Out of all Pokémon games, including spin-offs, only Pokémon HOME has more species of Pokémon.
    • In which Pokémon in the party who take not battled do not gain experience (when the Exp. Share is not turned on).
    • To be compatible in multiplayer with games other than the paired releases themselves (namely Pokémon Lord's day and Moon).

In other languages

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese ポケットモンスター ウルトラサン・ウルトラムーン
Chinese Cantonese 精靈寶可夢 究極之日/究極之月
Mandarin 精靈寶可夢 究極之日/究極之月
精灵宝可梦 究极之日/究极之月
French Canada Flag.png Canada Pokémon Ultra Dominicus et Ultra Moon
France Flag.png Europe Pokémon Ultra-Soleil et Ultra-Lune
Germany Flag.png German language Pokémon Ultrasonne und Ultramond
Italy Flag.png Italian Pokémon Ultrasole e Ultraluna
South Korea Flag.png Korean 포켓몬스터 울트라썬・울트라문
Portugal Flag.png Portuguese Pokémon Ultra Sun eastward Ultra Moon
Castilian CELAC Flag.png Latin America Pokémon Ultra Sun y Ultra Moon
Spain Flag.png Spain Pokémon Ultrasol y Ultraluna

See also

  • Pokémon Lord's day and Moon


  1. Famitsu review scores (11/14/17) - Nintendo Everything
  2. Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Review - IGN
  3. Pokémon Ultra Sun for 3DS Reviews - Metacritic
  4. Pokémon Ultra Moon for 3DS Reviews - Metacritic
  5. Nintendo Co., Ltd. - Earnings Release for Fiscal Year Ended March 2018
  6. Pinnacle Selling Championship Sales Units - Nintendo 3DS Software
  7. seven.0 7.i Media Create Sales: CY 2017 (2017 January 02 - 2017 Dec 31) | ResetEra
  8. Media Create Sales: CY 2020 (2019 Dec 30 - 2021 Jan 03) Sales | ResetEra
  9. Media Create Sales: CY 2018 (2018 January 01 - 2018 December 30) | ResetEra

Core series Pokémon games

Generation I: Red & GreenBlue (JP) Red & BlueYellow
Generation II: Gold & SilveryCrystal
Generation Iii: Ruby & SapphireFireRed & LeafGreenEmerald
Generation Iv: Diamond & PearlPlatinumHeartGold & SoulSilver
Generation 5: Black & WhiteBlack 2 & White ii
Generation VI: Ten & YOmega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Generation VII: Sunday & MoonUltra Sun & Ultra Moon
Let'southward Go, Pikachu! & Let'southward Go, Eevee!‎
Generation 8: Sword & Shield (Expansion Pass)
Brilliant Diamond & Shining PearlLegends: Arceus
Generation IX: Scarlet & Violet

Pokémon game templates

Cadre series • Side series • Spin-off series • Pokémon mini • Individual spin-offs • Betas • Demos
