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Substitute for Beef Short Ribs in Stew

Short ribs are the get-to for boring-cooked meals and rich sauces. They come up from the ribs of a cow and are composed of tough meat that needs to exist cooked slowly at low heat.

Afterward many hours of braising or stewing, the tough meat becomes soft and flavorful. Many dishes include short ribs, including Korean Kalbi, Osso Bucco, and Spaghetti Bolognese.

If yous are looking to set one of these dishes and can't go your hands on brusk ribs, there are many tasty substitutes for short ribs that you can use.

Don't worry about your dish non tasting the same or not coming out correct; in the right amounts, you tin apply these alternatives with a minimal difference to the taste.

If yous're making a beefiness stew, a substitute for brusk ribs would be a chuck roast. Flank steak would be a ameliorate substitute if you wanted to make a stir fry.

When braising, Beef Plate Short Ribs, Lamb Legs, and Chuck Shoulder are bully replacement options for short ribs.

Beef shoulder, Chuck Roast, or Flanken ribs are ideal for slow cooking. If yous are looking for a vegan option, Tempeh, Seitan, or Firm Tofu volition get the job done.

Quick Navigation

  • Cost
  • Time
  • Substitutes For Short Ribs When Braising
    • i.Beef Plate Short Ribs
    • 2.Lamb Legs
    • three.Chuck Shoulder
    • 4.Brisket
  • Substitute For Short Ribs When Slow Cooking
    • 5.Beef Shoulder
    • half dozen.Chuck Roast
    • 7.Flanken Ribs
    • 8.Back Rib
  • Substitute For Brusk Ribs In A Stir-Fry
    • ix.Flank Steak
  • Vegan Substitutes For Short Ribs
    • 10.Tempeh
    • 11.Seitan
    • 12.House Tofu
  • Why Brusque Rib Is And so Unique?
  • How Do I Choose My Substitute For Short Ribs?
  • Frequently Asked Questions
      • What kind Of Beefiness Brusque Ribs Substitute Should I Go If I Want Something With Less Chewiness?
      • What kind Of Beef Brusque Ribs Substitute Should I Get If I Want Something That's More Light In Flavor?
      • What Kind Of Vegan Substitute For Short Ribs Should I Become If I Want Something With The Same Chewiness Or Texture?
      • What Kind Of Vegan Substitute For Short Ribs Should I Become If I Want Something With Less Fat Content?
  • Final Thoughts
  • Related Guides


If you're trying to stay within a budget, flank steak and chuck shoulder are the lowest cost options. However, it's worth mentioning that both of those options lack the marbling that short ribs have.

If you can beget to spend a little extra, beefiness plate brusk ribs and chuck roasts are the most marbled options. They as well have skilful flavor and can be used interchangeably.


Based on how quickly you need to make your repast, a unlike cut of meat may piece of work for yous. For instance, if you're making a soup, you can use beef brisket or chuck shoulder.

They both demand to be cooked for several hours, and so they are perfect. On the other hand, flank steak is the way to go if yous need to serve dinner in one-half an hr.

Substitutes For Short Ribs When Braising

ane.Beef Plate Brusk Ribs

Beefiness plate short ribs are the best substitute for beef short ribs if you want something with a college pct of meat and less fatty since they're cutting from the rib section where almost of the marbling occurs.

Even so, this is also reflected in its toll per pound. For the price, you lot get more meat and less fat content than a chuck roast or flanken ribs.

Beefiness plate short ribs are likewise ameliorate for braising since they accept a higher fatty content that melts into the dish during cooking, giving it an even richer taste.

When substituting beef plate ribs for short ribs, you can utilize less as short ribs have more bones. Near 75% of the required amount of short ribs will get the job washed. Grilled Beef alternative For Short Ribs When Braising

2.Lamb Legs

Lamb legs may not be like shooting fish in a barrel to find in your average grocery store, but they are easily accessible in specialty stores. They cost almost the same as brusque ribs and have a similar flavor.

Lamb legs, like short ribs, are flavorful cuts of meat with high-fatty content. They're normally too fatty to eat by themselves, though, and then they'd brand a great substitute in dishes that crave long stewing or braising cooking methods.

Y'all can substitute lamb legs one for one in place of short ribs.

3.Chuck Shoulder

Chuck shoulder is the cheapest culling to beef brusk ribs when it comes to price per pound. Chuck shoulder makes an excellent substitute when yous desire loftier-fat content in something.

Chuck shoulder also has a lot of connective tissue, making information technology perfect for stews or dishes that require long braising. Chuck shoulder can be substituted in an equal amount when replacing curt ribs.Chuck Shoulder substitute for short ribs


Brisket is a cut from the chest or lower breast of a cow. It's a tough piece of meat with a lot of marbling, so it needs to be cooked slowly.

When cooked in liquid, this cutting becomes very tender and flavorful. It can be used interchangeably with short ribs in most recipes, making information technology an fantabulous substitute for short ribs.

Brisket tin can exist used in equal amounts when substituting it for brusque ribs.

Substitute For Brusque Ribs When Boring Cooking

5.Beefiness Shoulder

Beef shoulder is an excellent substitute for short ribs when y'all demand something with a lot of fat. The beef shoulder consists nigh entirely of muscle since it'south not covered in fat and collagen-like other cuts, but it's still very flavorful.

Like flanken ribs, it's all-time for dishes with long cooking times to soften the meat and fat. It's also 1 of the cheaper types of beef you can purchase. The beefiness shoulder tin be used in equal amounts when substituting for brusque ribs. Beef Shoulder substitute for slow cooking

6.Chuck Roast

Chuck roast can be substituted i for i in recipes calling for brusk ribs. A chuck roast is usually cheaper than beef plate short ribs, only it lacks some of the tenderness due to its tougher connective tissue; however, it does have more than fatty content, which helps make up for this deficiency.

This substitute would be perfect if you want something with less chewiness or don't similar fatty foods because it has plenty of both and would be perfect in things like stews . Chuck roll steak Substitute For Short Ribs

7.Flanken Ribs

Flanken ribs have very little connective tissue and chewy muscle fibers, making them an excellent substitute for short ribs. In fact, this cut is almost all musculus with only a picayune connective tissue and fat.

This means that information technology's cheaper than any blazon of beef short ribs but too lacks the extra richness from the fat content. Perfect if you want something lighter in season and cost!

When substituting, you can use the same flanken ribs as short ribs. Flanken Ribs substitute when slow cooking

8.Back Rib

The back rib is a cutting from the upper section of the cow'southward ribs. It's located underneath the short rib cuts, and it can be used as a substitute for those cuts.

This cutting takes longer to cook than flank steak or beef brisket, but it has similar flavors and textures as short ribs. You can also substitute back ribs for the same corporeality of needed brusk ribs.

Substitute For Short Ribs In A Stir-Fry

9.Flank Steak

Flank steak is a well-known steak cut from the belly surface area of cattle. Information technology is less tough than skirt steak , and It's usually pretty lean, only because it'southward non very thick and non equally tender as other cuts of steak.

Information technology'southward all-time for something like stir-fry, where it tin absorb flavor. This makes it perfect for calculation a fleck of meatiness to dishes that don't require much cooking time or those with long-simmering times.

You lot can supercede flank steak one for one in recipes calling for brusk ribs.

Vegan Substitutes For Short Ribs

Some people tend to avoid meat altogether, so they tin can't use beef short ribs as a substitute. Luckily several plant-based substitutes come close to the texture and season of brusk ribs!


Tempeh is a soy-based meat substitute that can be used equally an culling for short ribs. It has a rich, nutty season with a dense chewiness to it. Plus, it's super versatile!

You can utilize tempeh in stir-fry or any other recipe that usually calls for beef short ribs! You can utilise tempeh one for one in identify of short ribs. tempeh as Vegan Substitute


If you want something even chewier than tempeh, and then seitan is the style to go! This vegan poly peptide is fabricated of wheat gluten and takes on the chewy texture of meat when cooked.

If you're looking for something to supercede beef short ribs without having much flavor at all, then seitan makes the perfect substitution! It absorbs flavors well because its primary role is to be a meat substitute, so information technology only needs to be seasoned with things similar soy sauce or spices.

Seitan tin can be used one for one when subbing for curt ribs. Seitan Substitute For Short Ribs

12.Firm Tofu

If yous're looking for something that's the transition between tempeh and seitan, then firm tofu is your best bet! This vegan poly peptide is completely flavorless simply will absorb the flavors of whatever information technology's cooked with.

Be conscientious, though, since this substitute soaks up liquids like a sponge, so it can exist mushy if too much liquid gets added to its recipe. If you lot use firm tofu, it can exist used equally when replacing short ribs.Firm tofu as Vegan substitute

Why Short Rib Is So Unique?

Short ribs are so unique considering of their texture. They take a vibrant, compact flavor to them that makes it hard not to fall in dear with the dish you're cooking.

Although they crave less time for marinating than other cuts of meats, it'due south nevertheless all-time to cook this cut low and dull so yous tin can fully cook the fat content, and the meat will become really tender.

Short ribs are cut from parts of beef that have a lot of basic with petty to no muscle, making them rich in fatty content. To be specific, they're usually cut from either rib or plate primal, but virtually marketable brusque ribs come from the plate fundamental instead.

The best type of beefiness short ribs is the ones that come from the plate primal since they're closer to the bones, which means more flavor and fat content!

The short rib is really rich in flavor due to its high-fatty content. You can tell if a cutting of meat or a vegan poly peptide has a lot of fat in information technology simply by looking at the marbling.

Whenever y'all slice a piece of meat or rut tofu, you'll observe white strands between the red flesh. Those are the fat content, which gives beef short ribs its flavor and juicy texture!

How Do I Choose My Substitute For Short Ribs?

The best manner to choose a substitute for brusk ribs is to base of operations it on how yous plan to melt them or what dish you are preparing, the cost, and the time you take to fix.

Oft Asked Questions

What kind Of Beef Curt Ribs Substitute Should I Get If I Want Something With Less Chewiness?

Flanken ribs are a great substitution in this instance! They have very little connective tissue and chewy muscle fibers. Information technology's perfect if you desire something with less chewiness or don't similar fatty foods.

What kind Of Beef Short Ribs Substitute Should I Get If I Want Something That's More Light In Flavor?

Flank steak is perfect for this job! It has the same amount of fat every bit the chuck roast, but information technology lacks some of the richness due to its low-fat content. Information technology'due south besides pretty lean, so that it wouldn't be too rich either way!

Plus, this cut is almost all muscle with just a little flake of fat and connective tissue, which means that it's cheaper than well-nigh types of beef brusk ribs but still delivers the aforementioned amount of richness.

What Kind Of Vegan Substitute For Brusk Ribs Should I Become If I Want Something With The Aforementioned Chewiness Or Texture?

Y'all can use tempeh (soy-based meat substitute) for this task! Information technology has a rich, nutty flavor with a dense chewiness to it. Plus, it's versatile enough to be used in stir-fry or any other recipe that usually calls for beefiness brusk ribs!

It's the perfect substitution if you want something to replace beef short ribs without having much flavour at all. Tempeh

What Kind Of Vegan Substitute For Short Ribs Should I Get If I Want Something With Less Fatty Content?

Firm tofu is corking in this case! This vegan poly peptide is completely flavorless but will absorb the flavors of whatsoever it'southward cooked with. You lot tin can utilise information technology to replace beefiness short ribs in stir-fry or whatever other recipe that usually calls for a lot of tenderness and fat content.

Brand certain you drain out most of its h2o earlier cooking, though, since too much liquid will go far mushy!

Final Thoughts

If y'all've been peckish beef brusque ribs for quite some fourth dimension at present, substitutes are available that will come up close to the flavour and texture! You just need to know what type of meat or vegan protein y'all're looking for.

Also, remember that substitutes are bachelor for whatever recipe since there are literally infinite possibilities for ingredients in the kitchen. And then if you don't want to employ beef short ribs or tin't discover whatever substitutes, then it's okay! Just wait for another type of meat or vegan protein that'll deliver the same flavor and texture that you're looking for.

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