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These are simple steps on how to get a lead or a supporting role in a play or musical. This could exist your moment to shine but you'll need a proficient balance of motivation, talent and dedication to take a chance at getting the lead roles.

  1. ane

    Be certain that you actually want the role. Ask yourself: "Practise I really desire to exist in this show? Volition I exist able to dedicate the time needed for it?" If you get into the show, you will take to give up a lot of your personal time. Moreover, dropping out is but not an option, every bit you'll exist letting downwards the rest of the cast. Exist absolutely sure this is the right option for you lot at this point in time.

  2. 2


  1. one

    Become familiar with the play/musical you are planning to endeavor out for. If in that location'south a flick based on it, lookout it. If there's a soundtrack, listen to it. Read the book it'southward based on too, if applicable. Know what the characters are all almost and know which one of the lead characters you want to play.[ii]

    • Go online, and wait for scripts, you can even watch a little bit on Youtube, if you lot discover the play or musical.
  2. 2

    Piece of work on having a potent presence. As soon equally you lot walk into the first audition, y'all've already started your audition. Practice demonstrating good posture and volunteer in exercises.

  3. 3

    Be familiar with the details, well in accelerate of the audience. You will need to know when and where the audition volition exist taking place. Sometimes nerves tin can exercise funny things to you and cause you lot to get lost, so likewise know exactly how to go to the identify where the audition is being held.[3]

  4. four

    Practice your audition piece. You may be able to choose one yourself but unremarkably it'due south a set slice, perchance an extract from the script.


  1. 1

    Exist punctual. On the day of the audition, be on time or perhaps even x minutes early. If waiting nigh other people auditioning bothers you, at least exist at the building and find your own quiet corner abroad from the others.[4]

  2. ii

    Warm upwardly. Before you lot sing your audition piece, warm upwardly your vocal chords.

  3. three

    Don't sing bad songs! If you're asked to sing whatever random song for the audition, don't sing overused songs. The managing director has probably listening to these songs all day and if you sing it too, they'll probably skip over you lot. Also never sing a vocal in the play! That's basically audience suicide. It only shows you are really desperate for the character who sings that songs role.

  4. 4

    Try to stand out in the crowd. Speak loudly and clearly, the director needs to know how loud you can be. Yous're never likewise loud in theatre.

    • Also walk in with the attitude of your character you would similar to play. If yous are auditioning for the villain you can walk in with a mysterious wait.
  5. five

    Apparel the part. Suggest the character you desire to play in your dress (i.e. if yous were trying out for Sharpay in High School Musical you might want to article of clothing brilliant pink.) This helps the director(s) see you as that character. But don't overdo it! Full costumes are usually not advisable for auditions. Too, also much may give y'all a slight reputation of being desperate or needy.[5]

  6. half-dozen

    Digest the script every bit all-time you lot can in the time allotted. Virtually interim auditions are cold readings. Then when given a scene to audition with, wait it over until you lot virtually have information technology memorized. If you're doing a scene with another person, talk to them to assistance your chemical science on stage. Take the script pages y'all have to read out of the script, if possible, and then that your body is given more freedom to act.

    • When reading, agree the pages away from your face, so your words don't get blocked out past having something in front of your face. Don't forget to wait at the person y'all are reading with. Get into the character you are reading.
    • Whilst others are auditioning make sure you lot are reading your audition piece. Look at the people auditioning and come across what people like and what they don't like so much.
  7. 7

    Be respectful, polite and considerate. If you are seen distracting others or being disrespectful, the directors won't want you in their production. Directors look for things off stage too, if you're quiet in your seat, how you react to certain things, and lots more, then be on your best beliefs.[6]

  8. 8

    Effort to show confidence rather than nerves. No matter how nervous y'all are, never show it. The manager wants someone who is not afraid to be big and out going in front of an audience that can act.


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  • Question

    I have worked so difficult to become a atomic number 82, I've put all my effort into theater for five years, just I got an ensemble part when I had hoped for the atomic number 82. I'm afraid of being made fun of. How can I heave my confidence at present?

    Community Answer

    Continue to exist patient, equally hard as it is. The roles will come. All not bad actors take to learn to deal with rejection. If theater is your passion you'll proceed trying and eventually all your difficult piece of work will be rewarded. Don't even worry nigh what others think - information technology's probably much more than serious to yous than it is to them. If someone does say something to you, just walk abroad. It's not worth your time.

  • Question

    What tin I exercise if my all-time friend wants the same part equally I do in a play and she is very dramatic?

    Community Answer

    Effort not to remind yourself of that, equally information technology could make you less confident. Also, "more dramatic" does not equal "ameliorate actor," then call up that.

  • Question

    I actually desire to get belle in Beauty and the Beast but there is a daughter who is really good and she has a adept chance of being the pb. Should I audition for some other part or take my chances?



    Community Answer

    Y'all should always try. You never know the outcome of the futurity. Work difficult and do hard. You may go the role.

  • Question

    I would really like the office of Mary Poppins in Mary Poppins and I think I accept a decent chance of getting information technology. Whatever tips to push me over the edge?

    Community Answer

    Watch the picture show to really feel the role. Mary Poppins is magical and graceful, just never sassy. If you come across who's getting the other parts, attempt to brand a connection with them.

  • Question

    I would really like to get a certain part in Willy Wonka the musical. What should I practise?

    Community Answer

    Exercise your singing and take vocal lessons. When yous audition, project your voice and be certain to get in character.

  • Question

    Why practice directors only choice people they like for the plays?

    Community Answer

    Not all directors do, but this isn't uncommon. Commonly a director volition choose the person that they believe is right for the part. Sometimes this tin be someone they know because they might accept direct experience working with that actor or seeing a performance of theirs in another show, which gives them an reward over an unknown actor. It'south unfair, just that'due south why they say that show business is all about who you know, not what you know.

  • Question

    I desire to get the role of Ophelia in Hamlet, but I have lots of contest and my conviction isn't very high. How can I increase my chances of getting this role?

    Community Answer

    You need to show the manager that you really want the part. Utilise the nerves that you take and put them into your piece. Be the best you can be and don't back down.

  • Question

    If I were to attempt out for a genie from Aladdin, what should I vesture as a costume for the audition?

    Community Answer

    The point of an audition is for the casting managing director to see your acting. Practice non worry well-nigh wearing a costume; normal wearing apparel are fine, and fifty-fifty preferred. You can choose a bright outfit to mimic the genie's style, but focus more on preparing the acting side of your audition.

  • Question

    How can I get the part of Cruella de Ville in "101 Dalmatians"?

    Community Answer

    That part is comical and villainous. Really put yourself into your character, show how "evil" you lot can be. Employ very exaggerated facial expressions and gestures. Be bold. Use your eyebrows.

  • Question

    I have a callback today for Mary Poppins, quite possibly for the role of Mary. What should I try to remember when reading from the script?

    Community Answer

    Don't block your confront with the script; instead, agree the script away from your face and only glance at it when you demand to. Utilize lots of inflection in your voice to convey the character. If it is within your comfort zone, use an English language accent, equally Mary Poppins is originally voiced in one. Interact with your fellow cast mates/ who your grouped with: doing so will aid the director see that you're comfy and prepared to exercise whatever information technology takes to convey the grapheme. Immerse yourself in the scene and accept the directors with you into the moment.

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  • Don't exist as well competitive with your young man actors. Part of loving theatre is loving the people who also exercise theatre. Endeavour to get along and work together. It'due south work, but it'due south also fun.

  • Get to know some people who might be in the same scenes equally you. You will be making new friends.

  • When doing a theatre production, try to dress in habiliment that makes you expect similar the character you would like to get. But don't overdo information technology. You don't want to create distractions.

  • Have a friend help y'all out learning lines. It'due south fifty-fifty amend if they are also in it.

  • If you're doing a musical and tin't sing, notwithstanding sing loud and proud. Take confidence in your voice, even if yous sound terrible. The aforementioned applies for dancing and interim. Merely don't expect the lead role in a musical if you can't sing––information technology'south improve to be realistic than overestimating your talents.

  • Know your cues (the lines/songs/music that tell you when to come onstage or say your line).

  • If you are in multiple plays information technology may be amend to have two small parts so it is easier to handle.

  • Be prepared to have your role inverse or modified if it isn't working out.

  • Fifty-fifty when you begin rehearsing without scripts, bring your script with you. Most people even keep them dorsum stage when they are performing.

  • It tin exist scary auditioning for a play without a friend simply can brand more friends in the industry.

  • If you aren't chosen for a lead, be a good sport. Maybe your voice was also loftier or low for that particular grapheme, or you would non portray them well. It does non necessarily hateful you were bad! The managing director has to make a decision based on hearing you in one case, and they watch and so many people.

  • Don't be overly ambitious. If y'all want the lead, besides prepare yourself for getting a supporting role or a groundwork role. Each are equally of import and needed for the play. You might non take the pb, you lot are still needed to brand the production great.

  • Don't worry if yous accept a pocket-size part, embrace it and try to add together an edge to your grapheme to brand you noticeable. This can brand you feel like you have contributed more than to the play.

  • Great acting skills and a good singing phonation are important in auditioning, but be sure that you have some skill in trip the light fantastic, too. Information technology is often extremely important in musicals to exist able to motility elegantly while talking or singing.

  • Be sweetness and professional. If the role you want is silly then be a lilliputian silly. This actually helps because it can bear witness y'all how to act equally a part unlike than yourself. This can print directors or casters.

  • Be enthusiastic! Don't read your lines blandly in a depressing manor. Y'all desire to show excitement in your vocalisation, and show conviction!

  • Always become for the part you desire, whether you get it or not considering if y'all don't, you will regret information technology. You never know what could happen!

  • Don't be agape to talk to your directors if you want something, similar tips for your audition, or if y'all have any questions well-nigh the script.

  • Brand sure you get enough sleep and have a skilful breakfast right before your audition or the functioning.

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  • Never argue with a director's conclusion.

  • Don't get involved with any drama that happens with the actors outside of rehearsal. This tin can get you lot in trouble!



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  • Sophie D.

    "This was a actually helpful article! I already auditioned for a musical, and I was really upset when I got a featured..." more

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